+250 use cases cross industry Database in
Machine Learning and AI

Among the largest royalty free use cases database in machine learning and AI provided by experts in the field.

Machine learning (ML) is a topic of study focused on comprehending and developing “learning” methods, or methods that use data to enhance performance on a certain set of tasks. It is considered to be a component of Artificial Intelligence (AI). We offer expertise in machine learning strategy, development, and implementation from beginning to end.

Prediction Analytics and Precision Farming


Using AI systems to improve harvest quality and accuracy is a management style known as precision agriculture.

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Risk Management


Precision forecasting is the backbone of another agricultural AI tool: risk management.

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Product Development

Research and Development

Product development is a process of taking the product or service from the concept to the market. New products are to meet the customers’ needs

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Research and Development

Automation is a key source of labor productivity for the construction industry. There are several types of construction robots that have

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Budgeting and Planning


The cost optimization process is something that should be performed during the whole period of the construction project execution.

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Contractor Performance optimization


Measuring the performance during the project execution period allows us to better understand the possibilities for improvement and to make

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For all business owners, it is natural to get the most out of their money while implementing big and complex projects.

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Tracking Construction Equipment and Assets


Construction assets management and tracking are critical for almost all business spheres.

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Analyzing Project Risk

Research and Development / Risk

The process involves planning, identification, classification, response analysis, monitoring, and many others.

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Warranty Analysis

Research and Development

In attempts to avoid problems and major complications in the process of construction, warranty analytics plays a critical part.

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Supply Chain Optimization

Supply Chain

The unpredictability and complications of the supply chain arena make things suitable for data scientists.

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Product Manufacturing and Design

Research and Development

Validation for decisions and material design is essential to obtain from data science after evaluating customers’ preferences and needs.

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Price Optimization


Several factors play an essential role in determining the price of a product. Every step in the selling and manufacturing process is necessary.

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Factory Design and Automation


A significant investment is necessary for the implementation of automation. Engineers and system integrators are working on automation with the

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Preventive Maintenance


Nowadays, production requires some machines and cells. The data collected for actual monitoring may be evaluated to improve assets’

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Monitor downtime and machine performance


The data collected through machines and operators is useful to develop a KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) set, such as the effectiveness

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Easy Check in with Facial Recognition

Research and Development

Airlines use this biometric technology as a boarding option. The equipment scans travelers’ faces and matches them with photos

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Student Recruitment


The Educational Institutes can use the student data for discovering the educational programs that are best suited for the students for attracting a large number of students to their institute.

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Regular Updates in Curriculum


Various Universities have to keep themselves updated with the demands of the industry so as to provide appropriate courses to their students.

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Better Organization


From the organizational perspective, the various Data Science techniques can help the Schools, Colleges, and Universities to better plan and organize their actions.

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Improve Student’s Performance


Data Science in Education helps you to have central control over the complete student data for evaluating the performance of the students and take suitable actions.

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Better Assessment of Teachers


Data Science in Education makes it easy for administrators to keep an eye on the activities and teaching methods of the teachers.

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Better Parent involvement


The teachers can use a large amount of student data and apply various analytic methods for evaluating the performance of students.

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Improve Adaptive Learning

Customer Services

Every student is unique in his own way and has a different way of learning things.

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Supply Chain Optimization

Supply Chain

Throughout the supply chain, analytical models are used to identify demand levels for different marketing strategies, sale prices, locations and many other data points.

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Predictive Maintenance

Machinery / Operations

Rather than a static maintenance schedule that gets updated a few times a year, a predictive analytics model can continue to learn

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Root Cause Analysis

Research and Development

During the manufacturing phase, identifying the root cause(s) of an issue is a lengthy and painstaking process, performed with traditional methods, it’s also incredibly hard.

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Quality Control


Parts manufacturers can capture images of each component as it comes off the assembly line

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Customer Behaviour Analytics

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

Analytics and information management present a significant opportunity for automakers to use quantitative techniques to support the planning of interventions across the customer lifecyle

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Marketing Campaigns and Promotions


Data analytics takes advantage of the valuable data generated by consumers whenever they purchase items, be it offline or online.

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Machine Utilization

Machinery / Operations

A problem for brands working with apparel manufacturers is wasted or inefficient time throughout the manufacturing process.

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Warehouse Management

Operations / Inventory

In the fashion industry, efficient storage of apparel is an often overlooked aspect of the manufacturing process.

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Supply Chain Optimization

Supply Chain

The complexity of supply chain management has increased tremendously thanks to globalization and the success of e-commerce.

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New Product Intelligence

Research and Development

One of the biggest challenges of the apparel industry is predicting the reception of new product launches.

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Demand Forecasting


One of the best use-cases for analytics in apparel manufacturing is for demand forecasting.

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Customer Sentiment Analytics

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

Sentiment analysis is analyzing the customer’s inclination, emotions, and feelings towards a product, its brand, and personal reviews regarding that.

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Supply Chain Transparency

Supply Chain

In the present market, comprehending an existing supply chain with all its participants becomes crucial for carrying out smooth operations.

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Consistent Quality


Big Data enables restaurants to preserve consistent product quality.

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Quality Control

Research and Development

Data analytics can also be used to ensure your products meet certain quality control standards.

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Marketing and Advertising


For any business, it is very much important to spread awareness and acquire potential customers.

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Food Shelf Life

Research and Development

Data science and analytics help in predicting the shelf life of the food products like bakery products, wine, etc by using predictive analysis.

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Operations / Customer Service

By using data analytics to collect information and data governance to ensure the information is organized and easily accessible

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Daily Operations


Using data, one can analyze the stock and the menu choices that many consumers gravitate toward.

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Loyalty Programs


Acquiring a new customer is extremely costly in comparison to retaining an existing one.

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Booking engine


Booking engines are easy to integrate and get you all the bookings sans any commission.

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Reputation management

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

Reputation management systems help you build a trusted brand.

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Digital concierge/Chatbot

Customer Services

Virtual or digital concierge is a customer experience (CX) technology that provides guests with conversational and contextual assistance.

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Demand Forecasting

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

Analyzing customer behavior patterns and real-time data can help you forecast demand with higher accuracy.

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Inventory Management

Operations/ Inventory

Data Analytics in hotels is useful for inventory management.

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Managing Hotel Booking Channels


Hotels receive bookings from various channels such as online travel agencies (OTA), direct bookings, and website bookings.

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Real-Time Data and Hotel Pricing Strategies


Dynamic Pricing Automation requires real-time, accurate data from a variety of sources, which refers to local and global economic factors

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Customer Data Analysis & Market Segmentation

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

People in some way tend to appreciate personalize experience. Customer segmentation entails dividing all your customers according to their preferences

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Player Retention

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

Big data enables casinos to gain the key knowledge of what attracts their customers which can effectively be put to use for enhancing retention in case any issues are detected.

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Social Media Analysis

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

Sentiment analysis is analyzing the customer’s inclination, emotions, and feelings towards a product, its brand, and personal reviews regarding that.

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Fraud Detection


In the casino industry, fraud can be online and real life. Artificial intelligence for betting software, brought numerous benefits that it just didn’t have a decade ago.

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Personalized Marketing


Like with any industry with an online presence, personalized marketing is actively been applied in the casino and the gambling industry as well.

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Game Development

Research and Development

Data science can be used to build models to identify optimization and make predictions.

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Customer Sentiment Analytics

Customer Analytics

Sentiment analysis is analyzing the customer’s inclination, emotions, and feelings towards a product, its brand, and personal reviews regarding that.

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Supply Chain Transparency

Supply Chain/ Sales/ Marketing

In the present market, comprehending an existing supply chain with all its participants becomes crucial for carrying out smooth operations.

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Quality Control


Data analytics can also be used to ensure your products meet certain quality control standards.

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Marketing and Advertising

Sales/ Marketing

For any business, it is very much important to spread awareness and acquire potential customers.

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Food Shelf Life

Research and Development

Data science and analytics help in predicting the shelf life of the food products like bakery products, wine, etc by using predictive analysis.

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Operations/ Customer Services

By using data analytics to collect information and data governance to ensure the information is organized and easily accessible

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Daily Operations


Using data, one can analyze the stock and the menu choices that many consumers gravitate toward.

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Improving the Checkout Process

Research and Development/ Customer Service

An intelligent shelf is another application of AI in shopping that facilitates the checkout process.

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Automation/ Robotics

Research and Development

Supermarkets of the future increasingly adopt robots to tackle inventory-related problems, such as preventing out-of-stock items, incorrect labeling, and pricing.

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Reducing theft

Research and Development

AI-powered supermarket technology can detect inappropriate behavior among both buyers and cashiers.

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Making warehouse/store-level stocking decisions


Keeping a product batch on shelves too long consumes space that can be used to sell a different product.

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Inventory Management/ AI-based forecasting in grocery stores

Operations / Inventory

Inventory management or warehouse management is a bigger challenge than it appears to be.

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Sales/ Marketing

In the supermarket’s price-sensitive industry, determining the right price that will attract enough customers and allows them to stay competitive is a difficult task.

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Marketing Campaigns and Promotions

Sales/ Marketing

Data analytics takes advantage of the valuable data generated by consumers whenever they purchase items, be it offline or online.

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Marketing and Advertising

Sales/ Marketing

For any business, the most integral step is to undertake proper and fruitful marketing with the aim of spreading awareness and for generating beneficial brand loyalty.

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Customer Sentiment Analytics

Customer Analytics

Sentiment analysis is analyzing the customer’s inclination, emotions, and feelings towards a product, its brand, and personal reviews regarding that.

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Preventive Food Fraud – Counterfeit Modeling

Research and Development

To assure quality and prevent false labeling, developing a method of “fingerprinting” product samples to indicate their original source is useful.

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Predictive Statistical Process Control

Research and Development

Predictive statistical process control of a batch process, such as for a batch-based fermentation process like that used for brewing and distilling.

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Predicting Shelf- Life

Research and Development

Over time, quality characteristics of a product can change, or degrade.

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Critical Quality Control

Research and Development

In the brewing industry, the alcohol content of a beverage is a critical quality parameter that is routinely analyzed.

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Malt yield prediction and optimization

Research and Development

Malt is one of the most important beer ingredients—and also one of the most expensive.

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Faster Handling of Filling Machine Failure


Although predictive maintenance can reduce the frequency with which machines break down, they can’t completely eliminate failures

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Predict Maintenance

Machinery/ Operations

Predictive maintenance is an extremely common use case in manufacturing, and beer brewing is no exception.

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Predict and Maximize Filter Lifetime


Beer is typically filtered using diatomaceous earth, a chalky substance made up of fossilized shells.

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Energy Management


The beer-making process consumes a lot of energy. For example, water has to be heated up and then cooled down again

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Predicting Arrivals and Wait Times in Logistics


We might think that breweries have a system in place to schedule shipments to distributors—but it’s not uncommon for a distributor

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Role of Robots in Agriculture

Research and Development

The aim of the current use case is to develop bunch of Artificial, machine and deep learning algorithms with highest smartness

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Pesticides spraying using Drones

Research and Development

Farmers want the company to take care of the exact mapping of farm boundaries and cost-effective.

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Determining Optimal Fertilizer Mixes

Research and Development

A farmer will provide a company sales representative with information about previous crop yields

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In Flight Sales and Food Supply


Some people never order airplane meals so the airline supply management specialists must estimate how many snacks

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Predict Fuel Consumption & Optimization


Approximately 30% of airlines’ operational expense is attributed to fuel cost, leading to direct impact on bottom-line because of increase in crude oil prices.

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Revenue management and Route Planning


The percentage of occupancy defines the profitability of airlines. Most often than not, flights go empty if there are direct flights connecting places

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Airline Reward points to reduce customer churn


Acquiring a new customer is extremely costly in comparison to retaining an existing one. Companies are struggling to retain customers because of cut-throat

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Optimally Utilize the Cargo Spce


Reduced optimum utilization of cargo space allotment and revenue loss due to unutilized space, pre-allotted to established logistic companies.

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Predictive Maintenance


Predictive maintenance offers the opportunity to use machine learning and AI to glean powerful insights about the lifecycle of equipment being used.

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Traffic Management Operations and Other Smart Infrastructure

Research and Development

Smart infrastructure put in place by the public sector will increasingly work in partnership with the technology embedded in private vehicles.

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Dynamic Pricing


The plethora of factors that impact logistical efficiency also impact end-product pricing. A change in one computational ingredient

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Operational Efficiency


In general, the logistics and transportation industries are largely driven by economics: fuel cost, security measures, time to delivery, supply

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Critical Support During Operations with Deep Learning

Research and Development

In time of crisis, having all the information at one place analyzed and given in the actionable format is something that Data Science can

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Threat Alert Systems

Research and Development

As the amount and severity of attacks grow, AI can provide real-time insights that screen frequent notifications and rank alerts based on their

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Crime Prediction

Research and Development

Crime data has two specific dimensions — geographic and temporal (crimes happen in different places at different times).

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Mineral Exploration/ Ore zone estimation

Research and Development

It’s easier to find the area with largest deposits through the use of machine learning. In this way, we also do the process efficiently. 

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Autonomous Transportation/Logistics/Drillers


There’s a lot of moving around done during mining operations. Advanced Analytics, GIS and image processing can help with keeping a tab on the movement

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Predictive Maintenance and Loss Prevention


Preventive equipment maintenance relies on the monitoring of the current equipment condition and performance level under normal operating conditions.

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Recovery Improvement

Research and Development

In the majority of mining operations, a much larger volume of materials needs to be removed to find the valuable materials companies are mining for.

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Database Management

Database Management

Utilities and grids are grappling with increasingly complex real-time events. Distributed energy resources and new technologies are

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Enhancing Customer Experience

Customer Services

First of all, the application of multiple communication channels should be applied for this purpose.

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Optimizing asset performance


Uniting asset data in a single system and using analysis to identify equipment, networks or pipelines that are headed for failure.

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Improving operational efficiency

Research and Development

Energy and utility companies use smart data application and software to detect the matters, operations and functions worth of optimization.

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Real-time customer billing

Customer Services

Companies use a whole bunch of applications and software to manage numerous customers, billing, payment, invoicing.

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Demand response management

Customer Services

A key to successful energy management lays in the balance between demand and supply. Both high and low demand rates cause a lot of problems

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Preventive equipment maintenance


Preventive equipment maintenance relies on the monitoring of the current equipment condition and performance level under normal operating conditions.

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Smart Grid security and theft detection

Research and Development

To predict and prevent energy theft energy companie monitor energy flows to react immediately to some suspicious matters.

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Dynamic energy management

Research and Development

Dynamic energy management component usually comprises the smart energy end-use devices, smartly distributed energy sources

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Outage detection and prediction


Modern smart power outage communication systems are capable of:

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Failure probability modeling


Active application of probability modeling helps to increase performance, predict occasional failures in the functioning and as a

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Decision Making


Unstructured data like maintenance reports, weather reports, media reports, etc can be analyzed with Natural Learning Processing

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Database Management


Upstream exploration and production data are very complex in nature with large amounts of data.

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Downstream Optimization


Oil refineries use water in huge volume in the processing of crude oil and gas.

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Operational Efficiency

Storage & Transportation

In general, the logistics and transportation industries are largely driven by economics: fuel cost, security measures, time to delivery

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Midstream Optimization

Storage & Transportation

Advanced analytics is increasingly being used to improve shipping performance by predicting the propulsion power that enhances the performances of ships and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.

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Improving Offshore operations predictions 


A primary reason for the performance gap is the operational complexities in production and processing facilities.

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Predictive and preventive maintenance


Usage of predictive analytics has enabled O&G companies to create simulations that predict maintenance events.

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Upstream Optimization


Some of the challenges in the upstream processes of the oil and gas industry involve improving the performance of existing resources

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Reducing production costs


Drilling and Pipeline operations data can be harnessed by big data analytics and used in various scenarios to improve production efficiency and bring down costs. 

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Ensuring human safety


During extraction, the workers always run the risk of being temporarily or fatally impacted by harmful emissions.

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Unit test generation using ML

Research and Development

Unit Test is an automated test that you write a few lines of code to create. A unit test checks that a specific part of the code functions as expected.

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Automatic Code Completion

Research and Development

Language Prediction Model is an algorithmic structure designed to take one piece of language (an input) and transform it into what it predicts is the most useful following piece of language for the user.

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Data- driven Insurance

Real Estate Services

People use insurance service to ensure their houses, insurance companies apply optimization techniques to analyze what insurance premiums are better options for different regions.

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AI – Enabled Decision Making Process, Advanced Analytics

Research and Development

Machine learning algorithms also improve the processing of data and accelerate it in a few times, making business processes more transparent.

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Enhanced Marketing Strategy


Real estate agents often monitor social networks to collect more information about a customer sentiments, customer preferences, capture demands

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Feature Detection of planetary exploration

Research and Development

The geographical features of the surface of a planet tell us about its geological makeup and its historical significance.

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Asset Sensor and Diagnostic Connectivity via the IoT

Research and Development

It is easier to embed micro computers in many devices and assets. The device will also be expected to easily connect and exchange data with other systems and centralized data repositories that will focus on analysis of exception and aggregate data in different dimensions.

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Digital Thread and Digital Twin

Research and Development

The digital twin refers to a digital model of a particular asset that includes design specifications and engineering models

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Improved Customer’s Engagement

Sales/Marketing/ Customer Service

Predictive analytics helps real estate agents understand customers better and provide them with services they really need.

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Automation with Robotics and UAVs

Research and Development

The rapidly expanding capabilities of autonomous equipment such as UAVs and robots are being leveraged in MRO shops and some of the first applications are in automated inspection.

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Accurate Appraisals

Risk/Customer Analytics

Unfortunately, when people buy a house, they don’t receive complete information about a house, and then it leads to misunderstanding and deal non-starter.

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Risk Mitigation


Real estate companies can use predictive analytics to analyze the condition of the building considering all nuances

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Fuel Consumption Improvements

Research and Development

Airlines use AI systems with built-in machine learning algorithms to collect and analyze flight data regarding each route distance and altitudes, aircraft type and weight, weather, etc.

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AI services – Chatbot

Customer Service

The real estate agents require a chatbot robot since their demand generation tactics are game-changing in the market, particularly for small real estate agencies

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Predict Wear and Tear Predictive Maintenance


Carriers deploy predictive maintenance solutions to better manage data from aircraft health monitoring sensors.

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Raise Safety Standards

Research and Development

In the area of Aerospace engineering, aircraft manufacturers are leveraging Data Science to make flying safer than before.

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Location Analysis with Geographic Information System ( GIS)

Research and Development

GIS mapping software helps us make sense of location and how it sway property prices.

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Enhance Design Accuracy

Research and Development

Data Science has been helping to collect data on aircrafts for years ranging from binary data such as speed, altitude

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Analyzing Property Differences in One Area

Research and Development

The real estate performs differently in different locations. We can expect to pay a premium for a property in demanding areas compare to remote locations.

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Autonomous Navigation

Research and Developme

A rover on Mars solely controlled by a team of engineers can only be given instructions to move every 20mins. This is the communication delay between Earth and Mars.

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Accurate Simulation Before Construction

Research and Development

One of the most popular use cases of predictive analytics is the software development for construction simulation.

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Health Monitoring of Spacecraft

Research and Developme

An alternative data-driven approach has been suggested for anomaly detection by Takehisa Yairi and collaborators (Yairi et al.).

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Better Forecasting

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

In a world without crystal balls, forecasting is a serious business. Time series forecasting helps us understand where property markets are heading in the future.

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Digital twinning

Research and Development

By creating a virtual model that is fed real-time data from the field, scenarios can be quickly tested

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Advanced Guidance with Augumented Reality and Natural Language

Research and Development

Augmented reality (AR) or mixed reality is the ability to layer digital 3D images and virtual objects on top of the real- world images when seen through technologies such as smart glasses or hand-held tablet computers.

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Monitor downtime and machine performance


The data collected through machines and operators is useful to develop a KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) set, such as the effectiveness of overall equipment.

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Property Valuation

Sales/ Marketing/ Customer Service

Property valuation can be resource-intensive and time-consuming since it requires people.

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Data Management

Data Management

Mining exploration and production data are very complex in nature with large amounts of data.

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Advanced Analytical Capabilities


The idea is to analyze historical data patterns that are leading to device failures, find the leading indicators, and start using those patterns to predict failure before it happens again on the same device or other similar devices.

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Investing and Property Price Indices

Sales/Marketing/ Finance

Traditionally, investing decisions in real estate have been driven by historical property prices, the area’s quality, and proximity to high-value local features

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Workers’ Health and Safety

Human Resources

Thanks to Internet of Things technology and sensors, mining equipment can be monitored and maintained

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Worker Safety, Zone Safety

Human Resources

During construction, the workers always run the risk of being temporarily or fatally impacted.

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Correct Attribution


Correct attribution is a tricky problem in digital advertising. Using the most common attribution method, that is ‘last click’, only the latest channel that the user clicked get attributed for conversion.

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Demand Forecasting and Inventory Management


Inventory management is vital for a smooth manufacturing process. To efficiently manage the production system, the manufacturer should forecast demand.

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Preventing Ad Fraud


Ad Fraud can be done by creating fake Ad calls using content scrapping websites, launching ads outside a user’s view and by using bots that replicate human behaviour.

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Network Optimization

Customer Analytics/ Risk

Network management can be improved by analyzing issues related to network congestion- service consumption, utilization, and more.

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Editorial Peer Comparison, Opportunity Identification & Prioritization

Sales/ Marketing

Analytics powered platforms can classify content by topics and build a hierarchy of related topics in the taxonomy.

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Computer Vision and Efficiency

Research and Development

Nowadays, manufacturers try to save the environment by saving energy and decreasing carbon emissions. They want to reduce their role in the environmental crisis.

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Personalized Experience for Users

Customer Analytics/ Service

The best way to attract & engage and retain users is to deliver a personalized experience that learns from the

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Call Detail Record (CDR) Analysis

Customer Analytics/ Risk

CDR contains information about each call which can help improve customer experience. Before using big data solutions, telecom companies used to spend a lot of time on this.

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Publishing Audience Segmentation by Interests & Topic Affinities


An Analytics tool can auto-tags stories with topics and measures quality of engagement, and provide much more reliable Audience

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Recommendation Engine – Marketing Use Case


The idea of the project is to have a recommendation system that can recommend products to customers.

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Location-Based Promotions


The Telecom industry detects the real-time location of the customers and sends promotional texts by partnering with different merchants.

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Ad Targeting Capabilities


Today, Marketers can target users using techniques like Audience Segmentation, Demographic targeting, Gender targeting, age targeting

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Fraud Detection


Machine learning presents a solid opportunity for the industry and regulators to fight back against fraudsters.

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Smart Health Records


Maintaining up-to-date health records every day is exhausting as well as time-consuming. Handwritten recognition technology are used for documentation of prescriptions and other health information.

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Customer Life Time Value Prediction

Sales/Marketing/ Customer Analytics

Customer Lifetime Value is a measure of the overall profit or revenue that can be generated by a customer throughout his relationship with the industry.

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Targeted Marketing


Mass marketing is no longer effective as each customer’s requirements are unique and ever-changing.

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Predictive analytics in Healthcare


Predictive Analytics is playing an important role in improving patient care, chronic disease management and increasing the efficiency of supply chains and pharmaceutical logistics.

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Preventing Customer Churn

Customer Analytics/ Risk

The real-time data insights can help improve these operations to continuously monitor and manage any drop in service performance, model network

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Monitoring Patient health


The IoT devices that are used as wearable devices that track heartbeat, temperature and other medical parameters of the users, all these data that is collected is analyzed with the help of data science.

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Real-Time Analytics

Customer Analytics/ Risk

Real-time streaming analytics can deal with this task. Modern streaming analytic solutions are specially tailored to continuously

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Price Optimization


The increasing neck-to-neck competition in gaining more subscribers or users creates a substantial need for telecom companies to set optimal

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Tracking and Preventing Disease

Research & Development

Data Science plays a pivotal role in monitoring patient’s health and notifying necessary steps to be taken in order to prevent potential diseases from taking place. Data Scientist uses powerful predictive analytical tools to detect chronic diseases at an early level.

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Advanced Analytics

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

With the help of Big Data and advanced analytics software companies are analysing investments using public, customer, market data

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Fraud Detection


Telecommunication industry being the one attracting almost the most significant number of users every day is a vast field for fraudulent activity.

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Virtual Assistance

Customer Service

With the advancement in the field of disease predictive modeling, a comphrehensive virtual platform can be devloped that provides assistance to the patient

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Predictive Analytics


The Telecom industry has to manage and maintain a large number of devices that are continuously running all the time.

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Analysis of media content usage

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

Media content analysis is a well-developed methodology aiming at analyzing the message of the content and its connotation.

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Increased Network Security


With real-time analysis of network traffic data and customer behavior, the telecom service providers can detect patterns that indicate

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Medical Imaging

Research & Development

There are various imaging techniques like X-Ray, MRI and CT Scan. All these techniques visualize the inner parts of the human body.

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Product Optimization

Research and Development

Real-time data obtained from multiple resources can be used to improve the products offered by the telecom industry.

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Leveraging mobile and social media content

CustomerAnalytics/ Sales/Marketing

First of all, leveraging mobile and social media content increases the number of channels and the amount of data exchanged in real-time.

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Non-Medical Related AI


AI is also affecting largely unseen aspects of BioTech and Pharmaceuticals. Things like marketing, lab assistants, and administrative work take up considerable resources.

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Staffing Optimization & Operations


In order to adapt staffing to daily needs, data platforms can drive better anticipation of patient demand (through patient forecasting), ensuring

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Collecting and analyzing customer insights

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

In relation to areas of media and entertainment all the comments, post, likes and dislikes, views, subscription, etc. present a vast ground for extracting the insights.

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Sentiment Analysis

Sales & Marketing

Among the tools of Big Data, sentiment analysis is one that helps to analyze social networking posts and comments.

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Loss of Exclusivity

Sales & Marketing

When the company loses exclusive brand rights to a drug, they can effectively use data to maintain patient loyalty and prevent churn

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Supply Chain and Manufacturing/ Advanced Supply Chain Optimization

Supply Chain Management

Identifying the most efficient supply system by optimizing and automating steps of production will become even more important as drugs are increasingly customized to small numbers of patients with certain genetic profiles.

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The Future of Computational Biochemistry

Research & Development

Instead of throwing darts at the wall and hoping to land on an eventual hit—an expensive and inefficient process—pharmaceutical companies can leverage Deep Learning techniques to not only cull through literature and journal publications but also to pre-screen for the most effective potential compounds to prioritize their time.

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Identifying Compounds

Research & Development

Instead of throwing darts at the wall and hoping to land on an eventual hit—an expensive and inefficient process—pharmaceutical companies can leverage Deep Learning techniques to not only cull through literature and journal publications but also to pre-screen for the most effective potential compounds to prioritize their time.

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Identifying patients for clinical trials

Research & Development

ML/AI can help introduce efficiencies to the clinical trial process in two ways

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Object detection and classification

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

The internet encompasses loads of information, and these vast amounts are continually growing.

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Drug Discovery

Research & Development

Pharmaceutical companies use the insights from the patient information such as mutation profiles and patient metadata.

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Drug Discovery

Research & Development

Pharmaceutical companies use the insights from the patient information such as mutation profiles and patient metadata. This information helps the researchers to develop models and find statistical relationships between the attributes.

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Social Media Content Distribution

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

Social media content distribution plays a key role in enforcing suitable marketing strategies today.

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Sentiment Analysis

Sales & Marketing

Among the tools of Big Data, sentiment analysis is one that helps to analyze social networking posts and comments.

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Recommendation Engines

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

Modern recommendation engines use matching algorithms processing the data and attach tags to the words bearing emotional attitude

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Real- time Analytics

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

Real-time prediction based on current trends and behaviors from all data sources is key.

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Customer Sentiment Analysis

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

Media and entertainment companies must analyze the sentiments of their customer groups.

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Non-Medical Related AI


AI is also affecting largely unseen aspects of BioTech and Pharmaceuticals. Things like marketing, lab assistants, and administrative work

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Personalized Marketing

Customer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

For media and entertainment companies, attracting customers’ attention becomes an important prerogative

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Research & Development

AI’s data processing to spot potential conditions sooner and with greater accuracy. Early studies showed AI’s accuracy in detecting a disease state

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Outlier Detection / Insight Discovery at High Data Velocity

C+E99ustomer Analytics/ Sales/ Marketing

Setting up a data pipeline with warehousing, collection models, filtering, storage, and processing requires significant effort.

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Personalized Medicine

Research & Development

Drug discovery is one thing, but biotech companies are hoping to utilize AI to provide more personalized medicine in the next decade.

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Research & Development

Environmental conditions change from season to season and from day to day. It is important for farmers to have accurate information to cope responsibly

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Drug Discovery

Research & Development

Biotechl companies use the insights from the patient information such as mutation profiles and patient metadata.

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Data Science for Genomics

Research & Development

Genomics is the study of sequencing and analysis of genomes. A genome consists of the DNA and all the genes of the organisms.

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Customer Experience – Chatbots, Image Processing, Customer Onboarding, Customer Service Level improvement

Customer Service Department

Using an intelligent chatbot, customers can get all their queries resolved in terms of finding out their monthly trading, investment products,

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Risk Management


Credit risk is the economic loss that emanates from a counterparty’s failure to fulfill its contractual obligations, or from the increased risk of defaul

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Sentiment Analysis


You can follow current market trends by scrolling news and publication all day long, hiring someone to do it for you or using sentiment analysis.

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Investment Predictions


The fact that machine learning-enabled technologies give advanced market insights allows the fund managers to identify specific

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Financial Monitoring


Machine learning algorithms can be used to enhance network security significantly. Data scientists are always working on training systems to

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Financial Advisory


Robo-advisors work like the regular financial advisors. As a rule, they target investors who have limited resources and want to manage their funds,

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Algorithmic Trading


Algorithmic Trading is the most important part of financial institutions. In algorithmic trading, there are complex mathematical formulas

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Fraud detection and Prevention


Financial organizations use it to monitor a considerable amount of transaction parameters at once for every account in real time.

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Portfolio Management

Customer Service Department

Portfolio management is an online wealth management service that uses statistical points of the issue as well as automatized algorithms to

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Credit Scoring


The so-called credit scoring system assesses a person’s creditworthiness and credit risks, based on numerical statistical methods.

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Automating Workflows like Underwriting


Machine learning can leverage fuzzy matching to encode baseline underwriting logic in addition to an evolving algorithm that can optimize the engine’s performance over time.

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Stock Market Forecasting


Predictions of stock market fluctuations are often underestimated in the trading sector and even considered pseudoscientific.

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Asset Valuation and Management


Asset management for digital assets or distributed industrial assets are applications where voluminous data about the assets is already being recorded, making them ripe for automation through AI.

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Credit Scoring


The so-called credit scoring system assesses a person’s creditworthiness and credit risks, based on numerical statistical methods.

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Customer Data Management

Data Management

Financial Institutions need data. As a matter of fact, big data has revolutionized the way in which financial institutions function. The volume and variety of data are contributed through social media and a large number of transactions.

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Customer Experience – Chatbots, Image Processing, Customer Onboarding, Customer Service Level improvement

Customer Service Department

Using an intelligent chatbot, customers can get all their queries resolved in terms of finding out their monthly trading, investment products, affordable insurance plan, and much more.

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Asset Valuation and Management


Asset management for digital assets or distributed industrial assets are applications where voluminous data about the assets is already being recorded, making them ripe for automation through AI.

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Fraud detection and Prevention


Financial organizations use it to monitor a considerable amount of transaction parameters at once for every account in real time.

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Risk Management


Credit risk is the economic loss that emanates from a counterparty’s failure to fulfill its contractual obligations, or from the increased risk of default

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Financial Monitoring


Machine learning algorithms can be used to enhance network security significantly. Data scientists are always working on training systems to detect flags such as money laundering techniques,

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Sentiment Analysis


You can follow current market trends by scrolling news and publication all day long, hiring someone to do it for you or using sentiment analysis.

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Financial Advisory


Robo-advisors work like the regular financial advisors. As a rule, they target investors who have limited resources and want to manage

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Claims Automation


A number of machine-learning-based technologies allow insurance companies to automate the claims process, reducing the waiting

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Customer Experience – Chatbots, Image Processing, Customer Onboarding, Customer Service Level improvement

Customer Service Department

Using an intelligent chatbot, customers can get all their queries resolved in terms of finding out their monthly trading, investment products,

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By creating a personalized insurance profile for their clients, insurance companies can achieve significant results in attracting new and retaining old customers

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Managing Data Regulation and Privacy Compliance


Flexibility in production of analytics and integration of Machine Learning in regulatory-related controls are significant regulatory transformation enablers.

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Automating Workflows like Underwriting


Machine learning can leverage fuzzy matching to encode baseline underwriting logic in addition to an evolving algorithm

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Claims Triage and Forecasting / Claims Automation


A number of machine-learning-based technologies allow insurance companies to automate the claims process, reducing the waiting time and freeing agents to work on less routine tasks.

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Marketing Propensity Models


Corss- selling and upselling is practiced by all financial institutions in order to improve their revenue. Cross-selling is the practice to recommend complementary products to customers for their buyings.

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Churn Prediction


A churn model identifies customers at risk of churn or who are most likely to switch, so the business can take action from losing them.

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Cusomized and dynamic investment Profiling


Insurance companies can leverage the depth of understanding they have of their clients and evolving financial needs to offer

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Fraud Detection


Fraud detection is one of the most pressing use cases in the insurance industry, and AI can generate incredible efficiency and value gains.

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Price Optimization


Price optimization techiniques focus on finding the price that maximizes a defined cost function (or company’s margin), considering

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Customer Data Management

Data Management

Financial Institutions need data. As a matter of fact, big data has revolutionized the way in which financial institutions function.

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Customer Experience – Chatbots, Image Processing, Customer Onboarding, Customer Service Level improvement

Customer Service Department

Using an intelligent chatbot, customers can get all their queries resolved in terms of finding out their monthly expenses, loan eligibility, affordable insurance plan, and much more.

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Churn Prediction


A churn model identifies customers at risk of churn or who are most likely to switch, so the business can take action from losing them.

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Marketing -Propensity Model


Corss- selling and upselling is practiced by all banks in order to improve their revenue. Cross-selling is the practice to recommend complementary products to customers for their buyings.

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Real – Time Predictive Analysis


Machine learning algorithms are a promising tool used to predict trends in the financial market.

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Recommendation Engines


The idea of the project is to have a recommendation system that can recommend products to customers.

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Customer Segmentation


Customer segmentation is the practice of dividing a company’s customers into groups that reflect similarity among customers in each group.

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Customer Lifetime Value


A Customer Lifetime Value offers a discounted value of the future revenues that are contributed by the customer.

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Risk Modeling/ Credit Scoring


The so-called credit scoring system assesses a person’s creditworthiness and credit risks, based on numerical statistical methods.

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Fraud Detection


Banking organizations use it to monitor a considerable amount of transaction parameters at once for every

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Location of New Stores – Location Analysis

Sales/Market Research

Location analysis is an important part of data analytics. The algorithm analyzes the data giving importance to various factors for the location analysis

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Improve Customer Service

Sales / Sales platform /Customer Engagement

Big data analytics offers businesses the potential to enhance their processes so that customers enjoy transacting online.

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Powering Augmented Reality


Many multinational companies, has been experimenting with new technologies to implement augmented reality in the shopping experience.

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Warranty Analytics

Sales / Sales platform /Fraud

E-commerce stores usually provide warranties for products that allow customers to deal with any problems at no cost during the warranty period.

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Customer Lifetime Value Prediction (LTV)

Sales / Sales platform /Customer Engagement

Customer lifetime value is the total value of the customers profit to the company over the entire “lifetime” (usually 12-24 months).

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Fraud Detection


A fraud detection system helps companies to decrease unidentified transactions and increase company revenue and brand value.

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Price Optimization


Price optimization techniques focus on finding the price that maximizes a defined cost function

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Sales / Sales platform /Customer Engagement

Personalization is the process of creating customized, pleasing experience for visitors.

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Inventory management

Supply Chain Management

Machine learning-bases approach with a deep neural network(DNN) at its core, solves an inventory optimization task more effectively than other approaches do.

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Customer Segmentation

Sales / Sales platform /Media Engagement/Marketing/ Market Research

Customer segmentation is the practice of dividing a company’s customers into groups that reflect similarity among customers in each group.

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Market Basket Analysis


Market basket analysis works on the concept – if a customer buys one group of items, they are more or less likely to buy another set of related items.

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Customer Sentiment Analysis

Sales / Sales platform /Media Engagement/Marketing/ Market Research

The Natural Language Processing analyzes text data to extract information.

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Customer Retention Analysis

Sales / Sales platform /E-commerce

A churn model identifies customers at risk of churn or who are most likely to switch, so the business can take action from losing them.

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Recommendation systems on the platform

Sales / Sales platform /E-commerce

The idea of the project is to have a recommendation system that can recommend products to customers.

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