Analysis of media content usage


Media content analysis is a well-developed methodology aiming at analyzing the message of the content and its connotation. The process of the media content analysis consists of three major levels: capture, understand, present. The algorithms track the patterns and coincidences in the text. After that, the data is prepared for processing. The frameworks define the sentiment of the text. Thus its influence on the user may be predicted.

According to the output, the message of the text may be modified, or a general tendency of the content may be defined

Benefits for the company

Big media enterprises can use data science algorithms to make data work and bring profit (monetize content) by understanding sentiments from social media and combining these insights with a 360 degree view of a customer can be very advantageous.



Type of expertise/ AI domain

Machine Learning

Internal data required

Social Media Data

One Response

  1. Since the appearance of the worldwide network, its popularity is continuously growing. It has become a universal platform for business, social life, entertainment, and leisure. Every day millions of people all over the world leave their digital footprints in the network. These are their clicks, likes, posts, reposts, comments, shares or views. Ignoring such valuable information would be a significant loss, especially when it concerns the media content and its direct impact on the audience.

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