Better Assessment of Teachers


Data Science in Education makes it easy for administrators to keep an eye on the activities and teaching methods of the teachers. This helps them in identifying the most effective teaching methodologies.

The data can be analyzed in different ways to draw some meaningful insights that show the strong and weak areas of the teachers. This helps them improve accordingly.

Benefits for the company

The performance of students depends on the teachers. While there are many assessment techniques that have been used to assess the performance of teachers, it has been mostly manual in nature.With data science, it is possible to keep track of the teacher performance in an efficient way.



Type of expertise/ AI domain

Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis

Internal data required

Data collected from the student attendance records, results, feedback, etc.

One Response

  1. We can store and manage unstructured data like student reviews on a big data platform. And, with Natural Language Processing, it is possible to analyze the sentiments of the reviews and provide a comprehensive analysis of teacher performance.

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