Gain more productivity and ship faster: Polyaxon provides an interactive workspace with a notebooks, tensorboards, visualizations,and dashboards.
User management: Collaborate with the rest of your team, share and compare experiments results.
User resources allocation: Manage your team’s resources and parallelism quotas.
Versioning and reproducibility: Reproducible results with a built-in version control for code and experiments.
Data autonomy: Maintain complete control of your data and persistence choices.
Hyperparameter search & optimization: Run group of experiments in parallel and in distributed way.
Maximizes Resource Utilization: Spin up or down, add more nodes, add more GPUs, and expand storage.
Cost Effective: Leverage commodity on-premise infrastructure or spot instances to reduce costs.
Powerful interface: Author jobs, experiments, and pipelines in Json, YAML, and Python.
Runs on any infrastructure: Deploy Polyaxon in the cloud, on-premises or in hybrid environments, including single laptop, container management platform, heroku, on docker-compose, or on Kubernetes.