Improving the Checkout Process

Hypermarkets & Super Centers

An intelligent shelf is another application of AI in shopping that facilitates the checkout process. Such a system typically includes computer vision and sensors mounted on shelves. This technology can identify shoppers picking items from a shelf or returning them. It correctly matches buyers and products and charges consumers for their purchase at the end of the shopping journey.

AI-powered cameras for self-checkout:
Supermarkets of the future use cameras and sensors to support checkout-free shopping. For example, Amazon Go has 26 cashier-free locations equipped with hundreds of cameras and computer vision algorithms to monitor which products every shopper picks to charge the total amount off their credit card immediately after they leave the store.Additionally, store owners can use AI and video to facilitate grocery checkout.

An intelligent shelf is another application of AI in shopping that facilitates the checkout process. Such a system typically includes computer vision and sensors mounted on shelves. This technology can identify shoppers picking items from a shelf or returning them. It correctly matches buyers and products and charges consumers for their purchase at the end of the shopping journey.

Benefits for the company

Statistically, people spend about 60 hours annually waiting in checkout lines.

The demand for autonomous checkout technology is driving grocers and retailers to innovate and adopt new technologies that keep shoppers safe and streamline checkout.



Type of expertise/ AI domain

Computer Vision, AI- Neural Network

Internal data required

Weight, SKU specifications, SKU barcode, etc.

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