Making warehouse/store-level stocking decisions

Hypermarkets & Super Centers

Keeping a product batch on shelves too long consumes space that can be used to sell a different product. Removing products too soon from shelves will create scarcity and will cost you. But, deciding on either isn’t easy using just human instincts. That’s where AI-infused data analytics come to your rescue. Higher accuracy is the first step toward reducing stockouts and inventory pileups.

AI has already empowered the manufacturing spaces to be able to execute lights-out production, and it can empower your supply chain and logistics too. Although it can’t make planning completely autonomous, when combined with human intelligence, it can surely be a great asset for decision making in the food and beverage space.

Benefits for the company

Optimize the real estate of the grocery store by maintaining the display shelf with revolving high selling, new products.



Type of expertise/ AI domain

Advanced Analytics, Market Basket Analysis

Internal data required

Complimetary products, Varieties, Stock Supply, items, pricing

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