Automating Workflows like Underwriting

[wtm_use_case_cats] Machine learning can leverage fuzzy matching to encode baseline underwriting logic in addition to an evolving algorithm that can optimize the engine’s performance over time. Additionally, natural language processing (NLP) can limit the amount of material that requires analyst review, streamlining all but the trickiest applications. Benefits for the company Companies can take advantage […]

Stock Market Forecasting

[wtm_use_case_cats] Predictions of stock market fluctuations are often underestimated in the trading sector and even considered pseudoscientific. Though, businesses today have an opportunity to make estimated guesses and informed forecasts based on the information we have in the present and the past regarding any stock. An estimated guess from past movements and patterns in stock […]

Asset Valuation and Management

[wtm_use_case_cats] Asset management for digital assets or distributed industrial assets are applications where voluminous data about the assets is already being recorded, making them ripe for automation through AI. Benefits for the company Asset and wealth management firms are exploring the potential AI solutions for improving their investment decisions and making use of their troves […]

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