Mineral Exploration/ Ore zone estimation

BOOK A MEETING FR It’s easier to find the area with largest deposits through the use of machine learning. In this way, we also do the process efficiently.  Machine learning algorithms can be used for mineral prospectivity mapping. Framing the exploration task as a supervised learning problem, the geological, geochemical and geophysical information can be …

Autonomous Transportation/Logistics/Drillers

BOOK A MEETING FR There’s a lot of moving around done during mining operations. Advanced Analytics, GIS and image processing can help with keeping a tab on the movement of vehicles carrying loads in and around the mining area. Some companies are looking into developing self-driving heavy duty mobiles for a more accurate and faster …

Predictive Maintenance and Loss Prevention

BOOK A MEETING FR Preventive equipment maintenance relies on the monitoring of the current equipment condition and performance level under normal operating conditions. This monitoring is called upon to prevent equipment failure by predicting possible failure occurrence on the basis of specific metrics. Smart data solutions, sensors, and trackers are used to collect the defined …

Data Management

BOOK A MEETING FR Mining exploration and production data are very complex in nature with large amounts of data. We, hence, need a proper data management solution to aggregate and cleanse data collected and stored from different sources. Modern Analytics tools such as seismic software, data visualization, etc are very useful in maintaining data. They …

Workers’ Health and Safety

BOOK A MEETING FR Thanks to Internet of Things technology and sensors, mining equipment can be monitored and maintained before breakdowns occur. Sensors can monitor temperature, speed, and vibration on machines to take action transforming preventative maintenance into predictive maintenance. By assessing real-time data and analytics, mining operations can be safer for all involved. Benefits …

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