Customer Sentiment Analytics

BOOK A MEETING FR Sentiment analysis is analyzing the customer’s inclination, emotions, and feelings towards a product, its brand, and personal reviews regarding that. In Sentiment, analysis data is gathered from different social media platforms. This data is interpreted, analyzed, and visualized to get insights out of it. This may help industries to know “What …

Preventive Food Fraud – Counterfeit Modeling

BOOK A MEETING FR To assure quality and prevent false labeling, developing a method of “fingerprinting” product samples to indicate their original source is useful. Advanced data analytics can be used to discriminate between real products and fake replicates, such as verifying that a product comes from a certain region or has a certain claimed …

Predictive Statistical Process Control

BOOK A MEETING FR Predictive statistical process control of a batch process, such as for a batch-based fermentation process like that used for brewing and distilling. Real-time data monitoring combined with a prediction engine allows operators to make adjustments to batch productions as deviations occur. The model creates predictions based on past behavior and process …

Faster Handling of Filling Machine Failure

BOOK A MEETING FR Although predictive maintenance can reduce the frequency with which machines break down, they can’t completely eliminate failures—at least not when it comes to bottle-filling machines in breweries. These machines consist of seven complex sub-machines that often experience breakdowns multiple times per day. However, these failures aren’t the kind of thing that …

Predict and Maximize Filter Lifetime

BOOK A MEETING FR Beer is typically filtered using diatomaceous earth, a chalky substance made up of fossilized shells. However, the filtration process is prone to failure because of the large number of variables that affect the filters, they sometimes clog unexpectedly. When the filter clogs, it stops the filtration process, everything needs to be …

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