Loyalty Programs

BOOK A MEETING FR Acquiring a new customer is extremely costly in comparison to retaining an existing one. Hotels are struggling to retain customers because of cut-throat competition among business rivals in acquiring new customers. In the light of the same, hotels have started the loyalty program of accruing points & redeeming the same for …

Booking engine

BOOK A MEETING FR Booking engines are easy to integrate and get you all the bookings sans any commission. The AI-powered booking engines gather data every time a guest/potential guest interacts with the website or the booking engine. Most of these engines are equipped with advanced learning models to analyse the data and learn more …

Demand Forecasting

BOOK A MEETING FR Analyzing customer behavior patterns and real-time data can help you forecast demand with higher accuracy. Demand forecasting analysis is useful for revenue management, inventory management, and implementing dynamic pricing strategies. Data Analytics and machine learning help define the optimal room rate in real-time to maximize revenue. Benefits for the company This …

Managing Hotel Booking Channels

BOOK A MEETING FR Hotels receive bookings from various channels such as online travel agencies (OTA), direct bookings, and website bookings. Data analytics in hotels looks at the different mediums to determine the volume of booking received from each channel. Hoteliers can use this information to understand which channel yields the most bookings and which …

Real-Time Data and Hotel Pricing Strategies

BOOK A MEETING FR Dynamic Pricing Automation requires real-time, accurate data from a variety of sources, which refers to local and global economic factors, events and weather reports as well as key metrics, such as average daily rate, cancellation and occupancy, revenue per available room, reservation behavior, average occupancy rate, gross operating profit per available …

Customer Data Analysis & Market Segmentation

BOOK A MEETING FR People in some way tend to appreciate personalize experience. Customer segmentation entails dividing all your customers according to their preferences and adaptation of the general stack of services to satisfy the needs of every group. Thus, the key idea is to find one solution that would fit all cases. In its …

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