Targeted Marketing

BOOK A MEETING FR Mass marketing is no longer effective as each customer’s requirements are unique and ever-changing. Thus, the telecom industry needs to identify prospective customers and tailor services accordingly. Based on different service usage analyses, data analytics can help understand how people react to various products and services. A detailed analysis of purchase …

Real-Time Analytics

BOOK A MEETING FR Real-time streaming analytics can deal with this task. Modern streaming analytic solutions are specially tailored to continuously ingest, analyze and correlate data gained from multiple sources and generate response action in real-time mode. Real-time analytics combines the data related to customer profiles, network, location, traffic, and usage to create a 360-degree …

Price Optimization

BOOK A MEETING FR The increasing neck-to-neck competition in gaining more subscribers or users creates a substantial need for telecom companies to set optimal prices for their products and services. Data analytics helps the industry gain accurate data insights and create optimal pricing strategies to make proactive decisions by analyzing customers’ reactions to different pricing …

Fraud Detection

BOOK A MEETING FR Telecommunication industry being the one attracting almost the most significant number of users every day is a vast field for fraudulent activity. The most widespread cases of fraud in the telecom area are illegal access, authorization, theft or fake profiles, cloning, behavioral fraud, etc. Fraud has a direct influence on the …

Increased Network Security

BOOK A MEETING FR With real-time analysis of network traffic data and customer behavior, the telecom service providers can detect patterns that indicate a potential attack, identify abnormalities, discover security threats, and understand where vulnerabilities exist. Data analytics helps identify inconsistencies in networks by monitoring tons of current and historical data. It prevents unauthorized access …

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